Nothing more true than “If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Improve It”. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help the implementation of a data-driven management culture. KPIs definition is tricky, you can, for example, measure Defects per Period and Lines of Code Produced per Developer. The former has proven utility but the later adds no value and some times can backfire having developers producing convoluted solutions where a leaner one was possible.
Want to know more? Check out how this service is usually delivered, problems it helps you to solve, and benefits gained.
This service helps you solve or alleviate the following situations
- You know you have a quality problem, but you don’t know where is the main source of those.
- Careless staff has no motivation to improve their practice.
- Careful staff end up leaving the company due to frustration caused by no appreciation.
- You need to ensure certain SLAs over your services or products but you are not sure if are possible.
- You are been reactive with problems. Incidents are often perceived as surprises.
Benefits to your organization
- Enables a continuous improvement culture.
- Enables corporate dashboards presenting a common north to all collaborators.
- Ease management burden by providing timely and quality data about the teams and processes they oversee.
How this service is usually delivered
- By helping you identify what are the elements that adds more value to your operation.
- By implement practical, cost-effective and agile measurement instruments.
- By helping you summarize raw data and produce useful information.
- By raising awareness among collaborators so they see KPIs as a useful instrument, rather than a intromission into their daily tasks.
Interested? Request a quote or let me contact you to better understand your needs.