Crazy Time
Vest et metus nulla et lacus quam volutpat eget sit amet est lorem dolor glavrida.
Vest et metus nulla et lacus quam volutpat eget sit amet est lorem dolor glavrida.
Professionalism or Class Suicide? At SoftTopia each software product, from the smallest utility to the large enterprise application, has a Quality Label. That label indicates the product’s quality for the given release, both internally and externally. The external measure indicates how close to the original functional requirements is the final product. The internal measure indicates…
Questions Why after going to a coding dojo developers are reluctant to share their code in public (GitHub or similar)? Is our coding style so secret that we can not share it? It will be embarrassing if someone look at your unfinished and full of mistakes practice material? Are we only allowed to produce “perfect” code?…
Some weeks ago we ( the development team) were paying some technical debt, before the coding session we did some planning. While in the short planning meeting I told to my team mates that we’ll be doing our refactoring in pairs (pair programming). I assigned the pairs and established two rounds, during each round a…
It’s the day you go shopping (groceries), you go to your preferred supermarket and start your routine. You take all fresh goods, and then head to the canned ones. Your children love canned chicken soup; you know it’s not as healthy as the home-made version, but you use it as a prize for good behavior.…
Imagine that the Gods of Code gave you a magic wand*. This impressive tool allows you to instantly analyze a code base and give a score from 0 to 10about its maintainability; where zero (0) means impossible to change, and then (10) really easy to change. Suddenly, you receive three consulting proposals from distinct clients (A, B, and C). They are requesting…
This is a summary of the SOLID principles to be used as an index by the CodeCampSDQ 5.0 (2016) attendees. Are you lost? If you don’t know what are the SOLID principles, or what is CodeCampSDQ please read the following two sections. If you were an attendee to the event and you are looking for the talk…
If you missed the previous post from this series check it out SOLID Principles: LSP (3 of 4). Interface segregation principle: ISP The principle states that “No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.” In other words what the principle says is that components should be discrete: if you ask someone…
If you missed the previous post from this series check it out SOLID Principles: SRP and DIP (1 of 4). Open Closed Principle The OC principle states that “software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification” lets examine the meaning of extension and modification: Extension means that the current functionality could be, relatively…