IT Companies as well as the IT-dependent ones have an intangible asset that is more important that any piece of hardware or end-product they can build or buy: their knowledge about their industry, products, and fundamental processes. Those organizations are constantly pursuing innovation, and working with uncertainty that they need to reduce by experimenting, exploring, and learning. If they do not able to capture, organize and make it available to the entire organization they are just doomed. I can help IT organizations to manage their intellectual assets.
Want to know more? Check out how this service is usually delivered, problems it helps you to solve, and benefits gained.
This service helps you solve or alleviate the following situations
- Your teams and employees usually get stuck in a mouse wheel facing the same problems over and over, and having treat each instance as the first one.
- Solutions to hard problems found by one individual or team are not known by others, so they have to re-work the same issue again.
- You are investing a lot of time and money training and forming your staff but after they leave the company there is nothing left behind.
Benefits to your organization
- Capture and share tactic-knowledge.
- Increase performance by having all required information available.
- Create business opportunities by enabling data monetization after implementing a data-driven culture.
How this service is usually delivered
- By analyzing your operation and defining knowledge needs.
- By creating a system to capture, distille, make available and distribute your enterprise knowledge assets putting in place the proper access controls.
- Conducting audits to ensure that all policies and practices enabling KM are constantly followed and performed properly.
Interested? Request a quote or let me contact you to better understand your needs.